If you’ve checked out my blog before, you’ve probably read my first post, “Journey to a Diagnosis…". If you haven’t read it yet, here is a short recap:
In April 2020, after about a year and a half of searching for answers, I was diagnosed with a mycotoxin illness due to prolonged mold exposure. You might be wondering what that means exactly. Some people are more susceptible to mold illnesses than others. In my case, I am extremely allergic to mold, so it affected me on a different level. When mold spores produce toxins, they become “mycotoxins”, which can cause an array of symptoms. For some, it is almost like an allergic reaction, but for others, it can be more severe than that. The most common symptoms of a more severe mycotoxin illness are headaches, fatigue, chronic coughing, abdominal pain, joint pain, anxiety, rashes, weight gain, and the list goes on and on.
I have been detoxing for about a month now, and recently had more blood work done to check a few other things and to see if there was anything else going on. After the results were in, I found out that in addition to the mycotoxin illness, I also tested positive for two types of pneumonia and the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), and I had low ferritin levels. Here is the breakdown of what all of that means:
Mycoplasma pneumonia, also known as “walking pneumonia”, is a type of atypical bacteria that usually causes infections in the respiratory system. It is atypical because it does not contain a cell wall, so it makes it easy for it to invade tissue cells. It can also cause middle ear infections, which I had several of recently, and they were pretty difficult to get rid of.
Chlamydia pneumonia (not an STD) is a type of bacteria that infects the upper respiratory tract and can cause lung infections.
Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) is often associated with mono, which I had as a teenager. Sometimes, the virus can reactivate in the body and cause symptoms in people who have weakened immune systems, like me. EBV can cause headaches, fatigue, severe muscle aches, swollen lymph nodes, sore throat, and rashes, all of which I have been having.
Ferritin is a protein that helps to store iron. When ferritin is low, it can lead to iron-deficiency anemia. Some of the most common symptoms of low ferritin included fatigue, leg pain, unexplained weakness, dizziness, and chronic headaches...all of which I have.
To say that I am overwhelmed is an understatement, but, at least a lot of my symptoms have been validated. So...now what?
I will be on antibiotics for at least a month to try to clear up some of these infections. I will also be taking a series of DesBio Mycoplasma Serums to help alleviate my pneumonia symptoms. Basically, I will have 20 vials and will take one every three days and will work my way up and down a series of diluted serums. I've taken one vial so far, and it was pretty awful. It tastes like straight rubbing alcohol. They warn you that you will feel worse between the second and fourth doses...so, not looking forward to that.
Ingredients: Mycoplasma Pneumoniae (15X, 20X, 30X, 60X, 90X, 120X, 150X, 200X, 500X, 1000X)
Inactive Ingredients: Distilled water, 25% ethanol.
In addition to those, I have also been prescribed a nose spray to help relieve some of my upper respiratory symptoms (I have to do 6 sprays per nostril, per day), a liquid iron supplement, and liquid vitamin D and B12 supplements. Gross!
I really struggled to write this post...mainly because I think I still haven't wrapped my head around everything. Of course, getting answers is great, but, then you have to figure out what to do with them. I'm feeling really tired, sore all over, and swollen. I've also been coughing and throwing up everyday since...January? I'm seriously hoping that gets better soon. I'm really just trying to rest as much as I can and take it easy for now. I will have my blood re-checked again in about a month to check my progress.

Truthfully, it has been really difficult lately for me to stay positive and be kind to myself. Healing is not easy, but, it isn't supposed to be. I feel like a burden, I feel like I'm no fun, I don't recognize myself when I look in the mirror, and I'm anxious as hell. But, I'm trying.
If you have any suggestions on how to try to stay positive while healing, let me know!
Hang in there, keep going, keep trying, and trust the process.
Samantha Nicole