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The detox process...the good, the bad, and the ugly

Samantha Nicole

Welcome back! I want to start off by expressing my gratitude to all of you for the overwhelming love and support following the launch of my blog and my first post. A lot of people have reached out to me, and it means more to me than you know. People have commented and said things like "wow, I had no idea that you were going through this," and I just want to say that reactions like those are sort of why I decided to start my blog in the first place. There is definitely a stigma associated with mental illness and "invisible" illnesses. We are often made to feel like our feelings aren't valid and it's actually "not that bad," or "it's all in your head." Most of us have experienced some form of anxiety, panic, or depression at one point or another in our lives, right? And when we already feel sick, anxiety, panic, and depression can often manifest into real, physical symptoms, which just makes everything worse. However, those things don't define us and shouldn't be used against us. I started to really struggle after so many doctors told me that I was fine and that it was "just anxiety." No wonder no one wants to talk about having anxiety! I started to gear myself up for a major let down every time I went to see someone new. I was almost embarrassed when they would ask me what the problem was or why I decided to come in to see them...and I would think to myself, "well, it all does sound kind of crazy so they probably won't believe me anyway." I had trouble expressing to people just how bad I was feeling, and I often had to put on a face and fake it through every day (which we all know is extremely exhausting). I'm learning now that it's okay to not be okay, and hiding isn't a fair thing to do to myself. Without the encouragement of my family and friends, I would not have had any confidence to do this. Finding the right doctor after about a year and a half of searching for answers was such an incredible and validating feeling. After my first conversation with her, I just broke down and cried. She was the first doctor to believe me, and said "yes, all of your symptoms are completely in line with a mold toxicity illness," and immediately prescribed supplements and ordered labs to confirm. I encourage anyone reading this who is looking for that same validation not to give up, because I promise that the right doctor is out there. Finding that doctor is the first step to feeling better. I have included a link towards the bottom of this post to the website for the National Integrated Health Associates (NIHA) practice where I am currently being treated. I have had a wonderful experience so far...they are currently doing telehealth appointments and are super responsive to all of my messages and questions. As I mentioned in my previous post, I just started my detox program on May 1st. Not gonna lie...I feel pretty awful. But! I'm hoping that means that it's working. This is all completely new to me, which is why I want to share my experience. Unfortunately, there isn't one pill to fix everything, so it can sometimes take months or even years to feel better. As of right now, I am taking six different supplements, and I am waiting for more to come in the mail. Here is the process, and what each supplement is (hopefully) doing...

***Also, just to note-- all of these supplements were prescribed to me by my doctor. I would recommend reaching out to your doctor before trying anything new, just to make sure it is safe for you. Chlorella is a single-celled fresh water algae. It promotes the body's detoxification process, and helps to support liver function, blood sugar levels, and helps to regulate blood pressure. **I take 5 tablets of Chlorella two times per day (early afternoon and night). Liposomal Glutathione supports detoxification and antioxidant defenses. It helps to protect the body from free radicals to support cellular function and homeostasis. **I take 2 capsules once per day. L-Theanine is an amino acid. Promotes relaxation, supports stress resistance, and promotes an overall sense of "well-being" (who doesn't want that?!). **I take 1 capsule three times per day (morning, afternoon, and night). Ther-Biotic Complete Powder is a broad-spectrum blend of 12 probiotic species that helps with digestion and inflammation. **I take 1/4 teaspoon once per day. Ultra Binder, Toxin Binder is used to attract and bind toxins such as heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, hormone mimics, drug residues, food additives, and the metabolites of mold and bacteria. **I take 1 teaspoon in water (or Gatorade) once per day. Cilantro extract is used to promote detoxification and drain lymph nodes. It can be taken orally or used topically. **I apply 10 drops to my neck twice per day (morning and night). What I've learned so far in the first few weeks of the detox process is that anything is better than nothing. Some days, I feel super nauseous and dizzy so I end up skipping a few doses, and then I try to get back into my normal routine the next day. I think the most important thing to do is listen to your body...if you need rest, then rest, and if you need a break, then take one. Also, it' really important to figure out a good way to stay organized. A lot of these supplements cant be taken together, or have to be taken with or without food and at specific times throughout the day. I found that writing down a schedule and sticking it on the fridge has really helped me...that way, I don't have to remember everything! As far as the side effects of the supplements and the detox process, I have been experiencing a lot of headaches, fatigue, dizziness, nausea/vomiting, a chronic cough, abdominal pain, trouble sleeping, night sweats, and pretty severe body aches and joint pain. I have been doing a lot of research on each of supplements and from what I've read, most of those side effects are pretty normal. It also sounds like it's normal to feel worse before you feel better. Thank you for reading this, and hopefully I didn't bore you to death! If you have ever done anything like this, please comment and let me know. The best thing I have done so far is join a mold illness support group, where I can connect with people who are going through the same challenges. For more information on the integrative health practice in Washington D.C. where I am currently being can visit their website at

Thank you, again, for following my journey.


Samantha Nicole

***All supplements were ordered from Wellevate (


1 Comment

May 23, 2020

First all, I am a friend of your mom

from STS. I must tell you - “Samantha Nicole “ is a beautiful name. I thought your blog was wonderful. I am so sorry you have been through so much and I pray you feel better soon. It is wonderful to finally find the right doctor and to find a support group. There is nothing better than finding other people who truly understand you - as they have been going through the same thing. Others can say they understand but unless they have actually gone through what you have - they will never truly understand. This sounds crazy but I use to be rather shy and never stuck up for myself…


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